Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Kanye West: Claustrophobic ?

Kanye West is an American rapper, songwriter, performer, record producer, director, entrepreneur, and fashion designer. He began his musical career in 2004 with his first album, The College Dropout, and is currently finishing up on his latest, unnamed album that should be released sometime this year. West has already accomplished a lot this year with fashion (Adidas campaign) and music (single with former Beatle, Paul McCartney). A few weeks ago at the Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary celebration show, West gave a very interesting performance, and was joined by rapper Vic Mensa and Sia. The performance begins with West lying down on the stage, rapping into a microphone that is hanging over his mouth, and making upside down eye contact with the camera, revealing his creepy blue contacts. Check out the performance, here: http://www.hulu.com/watch/751672

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