Thursday, March 26, 2015

Mwangi Hutter: 1 Name, 1 Culture, 1 Artist

Ingrid Mwangi was born in Nairobi, Kenya and her husband Robert Hutter was born in Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Germany. After working together for several years and then marrying, the two artist merged their names and stories to became a single artist: Mwangi Hutter. "Working with video, photography, installation, sculpture and performance, they use themselves as the sounding board to reflect on changing societal realities, creating an aesthetics of self-knowledge and interrelationship." 

Here are links to several of their video pieces:

Color in Dark, 2015

In a Pure Land (excerpt), 2015 

Turquoise Realm (excerpt), 2014 

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