Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Marina Abramovic: Pulse

Marina Abramovic is a Serbian artist based in New York City. She began her performance art career in the 1970s, with one of her most famous series called Rhythm. Within the series her most famous performances is called Rhythm 0 (1974) in which she set up a table of about 70 objects, assigned herself a puppet-like role and viewers were allowed to participate in the performance by using the objects on Abramovic in any way they wanted. The objects ranged from a feather to a pistol with a single bullet in it, and for six hours the artist allowed the audience to manipulate her body in any way in order to test the limits between performer and audience. Today, she continues to work, with one of her most recent pieces called The Artist is Present (2010) that took place at MoMA. Essentially she sat at a table with two chairs, and guests were invited to sit in the chair across from her as she sat in utter silence. Each guest was photographed and then their photo was placed in a book. One of the guests included Lady Gaga, who attracted many more people to the museum/performance. After the performance was over, Gaga and Abramovic formed somewhat of a business relationship in which Abramovic (as well as other artists like Jeff Koons) helped the singer with aspects her latest album, artPop.
Rhythm 0

  Artist's Commentary on Rhythm 0

The Artist is Present

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