Tuesday, April 28, 2015

AR4T: Artists Republic 4 Tomorrow

AR4T is a gallery in Laguna Beach, California that provides a space for emerging contemporary artists to show their work. It opened its doors in May 2010 and in August 2013, it was able to upgrade and move to a larger space. 

 "It is our belief that art creates community. As humans we need to be shaken up, constantly in motion, exposed to change. Visual arts, music, and language are as necessary to our bodies as air and water. To live without art is like living on a dry desert plain… or being stuck forever in a planned community mini-mall.
Artists Republic For Tomorrow works with artists who make amazing works in the studio and are also leaders in life – travelers, curators, musicians, skateboarders, surfers, teachers, builders. These people are the vanguards of our day, shaping the way we see and feel the world. We stand in support of them, offering not just original art works, photographs and prints to a growing collector base but an open invitation to join in the fun." 

Currently they are preparing to exhibit Taka Hayashi's "Portrait of Nature", a self-taught Japanese-American illustrator, graphic designer, and footwear designer. The show will last from May 2-24 2015 (I plan to take a look!)

"Central in Hayashi’s works are landscapes, birds, symbols and cultural signatures that refer to tribes worlds apart: Native American craft, ‘80s skate culture, North African tribal art, and ‘60s psychedelia, to name a few. The mystery is in how Hayashi traps, and then connects, quick flashes and deep feelings of these worlds on canvas.
Working in charcoal, ink, gouache, watercolor, acrylic, and spray paint, this new series by Hayashi is presented in a range of earthy tones, vibrant hues, and black-and-white, and range in size from 24”x36” to 51”x51”."

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