Monday, April 20, 2015

Louise Richardson - Nature meets Fashion

Her works fuse textiles, sculpture and fashion addresses the all too familiar theme of the body...but with the twist of the natural world.  The piece on the hanger is made from moss.

Fashion and Nature: Louise Richardson
Art and fashion can often go hand in hand, but what about art, fashion and nature? Artist Louise Richardson creates pieces that take viewers on a whimsical journey of fantasy, mixing natural found objects and transforming them into garments, which in turn resemble ethereal artworks.
The artist is versatile in many mediums, making shoes, clothes, butterflies, books, fiber art, and paper works to create a dream-like world with her art. The delicate pieces have the ability to transform the viewer back to a child-like imagination, the artist herself acting as a storyteller. The use of natural elements such as dandelions, hair, and shed snake skin can be seen as reminders of the aesthetic qualities of the natural world.
-Anna Paluch

A Snake dress!

She is British. “I think there is a strange magical quality about lead because it has its own history. If you are dealing with lead over a period of days it scratches and gets marked. I love the weight of it. It's amazing because even though it is heavy, it is like fabric, so you can stitch it. I began to print images into the lead and use lead alongside more delicate materials so you get this amazing sort of alchemy going on,” she says.

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