Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Maya Lin: Observing and Preserving Nature of the Big Apple

Maya Lin is an American designer and artist who rose to fame when she was chosen to be the designer of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in the early 1980s. Since then, she continued to work on several memorials as well as architecture and other artworks. Recently, she has been working with the idea of nature and landscapes, creating artworks that mimic rivers, lakes, mountain ranges that perhaps have been looked over, built upon, and forgotten over the years. In 2013 she exhibited at the Pace Gallery in New York with her show called Here and There. "Lin is exploring aspects of the natural world through sculpture and drawing, focusing on mapping as a way to translate the enormity of a place to a scale that we can see and understand. The New York presentation of Here and There concentrates on the geography of Manhattan and New York state."

Check out this Art21 Exclusive with Maya Lin discussing her Here and There works. 

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