Monday, April 27, 2015

Marfa, Texas - Donald Judd's Dream

In the 1970s, minimalist artist Donald Judd moved to Marfa, Texas, where he created giant works of art that bask beneath vast desert skies. In the years since, Marfa has emerged as a hot spot for art tourism.

The well-known minimalist artist Donald Judd left New York City in the early 1990s for a tiny, out of the way town in Texas - Marka. Judd was tired to the New York City arts scene and wanted something fresh and unspoiled for his own art. The DIA Foundation helped Judd acquire an Army base...that's right the whole ghost townlike army base! He immediately filled it with art...his own and others.  There is a light installation by Dan Flavin. Judd installed his own signature boxes.

Today  an Open House is co-sponsored by DIA and the Chinati Foundation. It attracts thousands of visitors from around the world. The Marfa fair occupies more than 10 buildings at the site. Permanent installations include Ingolfur Arnarson, Dan Flavin and Clear Oldenburg.

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