Saturday, April 11, 2015

TYPOE: Strong Social Commentary

TYPOE is an artist working and living in Miami, Florida. He is an artist heavily involved with Spinello Projects, "a Miami-based contemporary art venture including a gallery, design house, and an innovative platform for nomadic site-specific and curatorial special projects."

"TYPOE's practice employs a consistent push-pull between the dark recesses of the urban underground and the shimmering veneers of celebrity. Tracing the deep indentations of academic art history into the seemingly bulletproof, steely surfaces of street art, TYPOE illustrates a conflicted visual landscape riddled with mundane objects forcibly jammed into precarious anthropomorphic scenarios. Clandestinely donning a bandit's bandana, using razor-edged satire as his proverbial pistol, TYPOE's work subtly nods to the established contemporary art canon, held hostage in a dizzying abyss of hermetic hypocrisy, excessive lifestyles and the melancholy of lost time."
Black Sea (Installation View)
From "Black Sunday Series"
Plastic skeleton, found plastic spray paint caps, Supra sneakers, foam, resin, glue 
Sunny Days
From "Black Sunday Series"
Broken umbrella
Fountain [Triptych] 
From "Confetti Death Series"
Plastic skull, found plastic spray paint caps, foam, resin, glue
Confetti Death
From "Confetti Death Series"
Plastic skull, found plastic spray paint caps, wood, resin, glue
Profile (Self-Portrait) [Triptych]
From "Silhouette Series"
Die-cut paper, oval matte 
Found plastic cross, stolen Toys R Us toy weapons,  spray paint
Found Virgin Mary bust, clay, spray paint, acrylic paint,

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