Monday, February 9, 2015

Cosima von Bonin - Very Acute Pointlessness

Bonin just closed a major retrospective at MUMOK, Vienna titled HIPPIES USE SIDE DOOR. THE YEAR 2014 HAS LOST THE PLOT. [October 4 – January 18, 2015] As is typical of her work she included plush figures, video works, card board constructions, theatrical lights and so much more. The title includes a reference to "hippies" and gives homage to the generation who broke away from traditional media in visual art, paving the way for an artist like Bonin to include all manner of pop culture items in her installations.  Noteworthy was Bonin's inclusion of An Italian Boy on the Balcony -- one especially constructed for the exhibition.  The large size boy standing on a balcony of the exterior of Mamluk appears to be vomiting. So many of Bonin's creations seem at first glance whimsical and childlike -- but always with the bizarre, tortured twist of a Struwwelpeter story.


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