Thursday, February 5, 2015

Samanta Batra Mehta

Samanta Batra Mehta was born in New Dehli in 1975 and is now living and working in New York. She mostly works with paint, ink, and some sculptural installations. She claims her work investigates themes in gender constructs, socio-politcal order, colonization, and her own personal history. She tends to pull ideas from antiquity, and incorporates these ideas into her figural and organic works. She is incredibly detailed in her drawings and paintings, using small stipples, and careful penmanship, she achieves beautiful figures and designs. She seems to be influenced by both religious and mythical philosophies and icons, which are established in her work once the viewer really examines her pieces. Her work has been exhibited at several international venues such as the Queens Museum of the Arts and Bodhi Art Gallery in Mumbai.

Ink & Tea Wash on Japanese Handmade Paper

Memoir (detail)

Mirage Series
Mixed Media

Mirage Series #1

Mirage Series #1 (detail) 

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